Trusts, Insurance & Deferred Giving


The foundation offers several deferred giving arrangements that can be established for your lifetime or through your will. They can be structured to provide a life income for yourself or a loved one. These arrangements include:

Charitable remainder trusts and unitrusts

Charitable remainder trusts and unitrusts, which offer you or another beneficiary income for a lifetime or through the term of the trust. When the trust expires, the foundation receives the remainder to carry out your charitable intentions.

Charitable lead annuity trusts

Charitable lead annuity trusts, which allow you to help the community while also leaving a gift for your children or grandchildren. The trust reduces estate and gift taxes and prevents the beneficiaries from paying property tax.

Life insurance policies

Life insurance policies, which are an excellent choice for creating a major gift at little cost to you. By naming the foundation as beneficiary of a new or existing life insurance policy, you receive a tax deduction for the value and any subsequent premium payments. When the policy is redeemed, the foundation will use the proceeds to carry out your charitable objectives

Remainder interest in a residence or farm

Remainder interest in a residence or farm, which offers you the option of making a gift of all or a percentage of either the home or farm to the foundation.

For more specific information and calculators for wills, trusts and charitable gifts, talk with an attorney or other professional advisor.