Educator of the Month

Heather Tarlton, 3rd Grade Teacher
Ross County’s Outstanding Educator for November
Heather Tarlton, 3rd Grade Instructor
Heather Tarlton is recognized by the Chillicothe-Ross Community Foundation as Ross County Outstanding Educator of the Month for November.
During her fourteen years of service to the Chillicothe City Schools, first as a third-grade classroom teacher and now as a STEM facilitator, Tarlton has been at the heart of a commitment to provide students with an exciting, meaningful and empowering STEM learning experience. “Heather is a model for fearless teaching. She is never afraid to step outside of the traditional approaches to teaching and learning,” the administration said about her. Tarlton’s passion and hard work have reached students throughout the district and educators across the country. She has helped to redefine the concept of “classroom” to include all of the amazing places and spaces that make up Chillicothe.
“Through the generosity of the Foundation’s donors, The Ross County Outstanding Educator of the Month Award provides a grant to one of Ross County’s school districts for classroom supplies and/or continuing education,” Scott Graham, the Foundation’s Executive Director, said.
Graham and Foundation Board President, Neil Coleman, presented the award to Tarlton along with Chillicothe City Schools Superintendent Debbie Swinehart.