How to apply for a grant
CHILLICOTHE-ROSS COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONGrant Cycle Process is Now closed until 2023
Grants through the Community Foundation
The Chillicothe-Ross Community Foundation is committed to making our community a great place to live, work, play and raise our families. We are committed to the nonprofits that greatly contribute to the quality of life in our communities.
We make grant awards as funds are available to qualified 501(c)(3) charitable organizations that serve a public purpose and whose projects demonstrate broad community impact and/or solutions to our community’s opportunities and needs. Our grants provide funding and support for projects, programs, and organizations that will help achieve our mission and are responsive to the needs of the organizations and the communities we serve.
Proposals Ineligible for Funding:
• Religious organizations, unless they are engaged in a significant project that is nonsectarian and benefits a broad base in the community
• Organizations that espouse any form of discrimination against individuals
• Administrative expenses and general operating expenses
• Endowments not held at the Community Foundation
• Fundraising
• Individual Needs
• Social, labor, veterans, alumni or fraternal organizations
• Political causes, candidates or legislative lobbying efforts
• Budget deficits or debt reductions
• Recreational sporting events or athletic teams
Grant requests should be for tangible items that relate directly to services provided to the clients of the requesting organization.
Agencies with little or no presence in our region may not be considered for a grant.
Projects endorsed by our grants committee but unable to be funded will be eligible for the Foundation’s Grants Catalog, a crowdfunding platform.